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Protecting the health of our tamariki.

Physical activity is crucial for the health, wellbeing and development of our young people. There are more than 900,000 children and young people aged 5-18 in New Zealand, and only 7% are meeting the New Zealand guidelines for physical activity through PE, sport, exercise and active recreation.*


Not only is a higher level of physical activity in childhood correlated with lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and increased life expectancy, it has a significant impact on mental resilience with studies showing that children who are regularly active exhibit lower incidences of anxiety, depressive disorders, and ADHD**. 


Our purpose is to help the tamariki of Aotearoa to develop strong foundations of health from which to thrive physically and mentally, throughout their lives.


We do this by motivating, encouraging and supporting them to incorporate 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity, and other healthy habits that have a significant effect of their overall wellbeing such as making healthy food choices, reducing screentime and getting enough quality sleep, into their everyday lives. 


​Using an engaging and interactive digital platform, and with the support of our virtual coaches Kane Williamson, Ardie Savea, and Ameliaranne Ekenasio, we reach children throughout Aotearoa and over the course of our program they experience the positive impact of the healthy choices they make, developing intrinsic motivation to maintain a healthy active lifestyle which not only protects their physical health - it can reshape mental health trajectories for future generations. 


The 2025 Sport New Zealand report, Active Bodies, Active Minds shows clear evidence that physically active tamariki and rangitahi;

  • engage more in learning

  • stay in school longer

  • have higher levels of achievement

  • experience higher levels of mental wellbeing.


"Ultimately it can set our tamariki up for improved life outcomes, not just as youth, but right through their adult years."​​​​​​***

Children listening to our founder Kim Harvey

"Thank you so much to you and your organization for such a wonderful programme. We noticed the change not only in the tamariki but the whanau as well. 


What an amazing programme which every child and school in New Zealand needs. My kids are in absolute love with this."


- Teacher, Auckland Primary School


"I noticed improvements in students' mental health, including reduced stress, better focus, and a more positive mood.


Regular activity during the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure seemed to enhance their overall well-being and resilience."


- Teacher, Auckland Intermediate School

​**Chiang H, Chuang Y, Chen Y, et al. Physical Fitness and Risk of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2024;178(6):595–607. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.0806

Tamariki making their own choices makes habit-building more likely;

"I liked how students had to think about accountability- what makes a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle. A number of children were far more conscientious about making change with their choices; their active lifestyle vs use of devices vs their personal sleep patterns. A number often turned up to school tired after gaming till late at night.  I noticed a change in these students where they were more focused." 

- Teacher, Hamilton

challegecoverschools_w_avatars (1).png


Using an interactive and engaging technology platform to connect with tamariki regardless of their location,  along with support and encouragement from some of our most respected sporting figures and an element of fun and teamwork, the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure is having a meaningful impact on children's lives throughout Aotearoa.


To personalise their experience, students build their own unique avatars and then embark on a virtual tourism adventure around the world.  To move their class around the course they spend time being active and other healthy behaviors like; ​

  • regularly drinking water to stay hydrated,

  • swapping leisure screen time for other activities like reading or play,

  • taking moments for mindfulness, rest or deep breathing,

  • choosing to eat fruit and veges when they can,

  • reducing sugary foods,

  • sleeping well.



The Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure


As their class reaches each destination on their virtual adventure, they view a short video featuring their unique avatars exploring the location they are "visiting“ and interacting with our inspiring  ambassadors; Ardie Savea, Ameliaranne Ekenasio and Kane Williamson.​

Classes can do mini-challenges and fun activities during class breaks and children at home with whanau, adding to the impact and ripple effect into the wider community.


The program is so successful as whilst initially we use extrinsic motivation from gamification features to engage students in healthy behaviours, over the course of the event they experience the positive impact of the healthy choices they make, developing their own reasons to maintain a healthy active lifestyle which can lead to a lifelong health journey. ​​​


The pilot program was created in conjunction with the NSW Ministry of Health and evaluated by the University of Sydney that found;


  • It had a positive impact on the physical activity of students during the program period, 

  • Doing more physical activities, becoming fit and feeling healthier were identified by the students themselves as some of the things they liked the best about the program.


Not only is a higher level of physical activity in childhood correlated with lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and increased life expectancy in adulthood, a recent study encompassing 1.9 million children found that children and adolescents with higher fitness exhibited lower incidences of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and ADHD*.


​*Chiang H, Chuang Y, Chen Y, et al. Physical Fitness and Risk of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2024;178(6):595–607. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.0806

Tamariki driving positive change for their whanau


"Me and my family continue to do lots of little challenges together at home. We try and see who makes the healthier lunch, who drinks the most water and who does the most activity in a day.  It is really funny because my mum and dad are so competitive between them. I love it when we play more games together to increase our steps."  


- Student, Hamilton

Entry in the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure is FREE for schools in Aotearoa.​​

By participating in the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure, not only will you experience the positive benefits Teachers tell us the event has on their students and class environment but you could win ASICS sport shoes for the whole class (several class lots to be won).

Virtual Adventure Avatars crossing a street

Our Virtual Coaches

We are so grateful to have our inspiring ASICS Ambassadors Ardie Savea, Kane Williamson and Ameliaranne Ekenasio as our virtual coaches, "leading" classes through the Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure.   They provide support and encouragement and whenever possible we visit participating schools so tamariki can meet our sporting superstars in person. 

Kane Williamson visiting a school
Ardie Savea
Kane Williamson
Ameliaranne Ekenasio
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Young & Healthy Trust 2019 | Zespri Younf & Healthy Virtual Adventure

​The Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure uses a unique digital platform to engage tamariki in a fun way, inspiring and encouraging them to move regularly in ways they enjoy and make other healthy choices.


Phone: +64 275760133

Registered Charity: 12345-67

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